Can You Split Wood With a Chainsaw?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: May 20, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Do you use wood to fire up that wonderful fireplace at home? If yes is your answer, you might find a way to get the job done quickly and efficiently. A chainsaw is a tool that most homeowners or woodworkers might have in their shed. So, you might think, ‘can you split wood with a chainsaw?’ Well, I’ve got the answer for you here.

Yes, you can split wood with a chainsaw. It is probably the best tool that you can use when it comes to splitting wood. It is best to use a gas-powered chainsaw with a guide bar length when cutting wood at least 18 inches. Aside from that, the engine should be around 50cc or more when splitting wood.

I will discuss everything you should know about splitting wood with a chainsaw in this article. I will also discuss the process you would need to follow when splitting wood, from small timber to massive trunks. Aside from that, I will also talk about the difference between using an ax and a chainsaw for splitting wood. Lastly, you will read about how to properly operate a chainsaw for splitting wood.

Using a Chainsaw for Splitting Wood

The type of wood that you will most likely be cutting would have a large diameter when you are splitting wood. Most likely, you will be using ash, spruce, or pine for your wood material. When splitting wood with these materials, it is best to use a chainsaw with the features that I’ve mentioned above.

Remember that the size of your logs will determine the size and engine power of your chainsaw. Now, if you are planning to split a smaller size of wood, a corded or battery-operated chainsaw will suffice and get the job done right.

Splitting Wood With a Chainsaw: The Process

Choose the Right Size of Chainsaw

Before you start the splitting process, you must ensure that you have the right size of chainsaw to get the best result possible. The 18-inch chainsaw is the best length for splitting wood for most people.

If you need indoor wood for fireplaces, a 16-inch piece of firewood will be the best choice. However, if you are working with massive tree trunks, it is best to go with the 20 or 24-inch chainsaw so that it can get through the wood.

The rule of thumb is to choose a chainsaw length that is two inches longer than the wood material you are cutting. To prevent the nose from getting nicked or pinched, this is the best course of action during the cutting process.

Better Safe than Sorry!

Before you start your task, it is always smart to wear safety gear. It would be best if you are covered from head to toe with any approved safety gear. Wearing face protection or safety glasses will ensure that your eyes are protected during the process.

It is best to wear earmuffs since chainsaws can get pretty loud when used. One of the most important things that you should wear is a hard hat. Always protect that noggin’! You can also wear chainsaw-cutting pants to protect your legs during the process.

Splitting Tree Trunks

When you are working with plenty of long tree trunks that would need to be cut into blocks, it is best to cut them into one-meter lengths first. It will make cutting them into smaller blocks much more manageable. You can do it in the woods or your backyard while using a sawhorse or other self-made support.

If you are working with a larger tree trunk, it is best to divide the trunk into equal parts. When you need to measure exact sizes, purchasing a forest tape measure from your local hardware store is best.

Whether you are a homeowner or a professional, cutting the trunk on the ground would be convenient. It is easier to cut the trunk into lengths when you place it on the ground. It will lessen the potential of risking injury. So it is best to place the trunks on the ground to get the best support possible.

To keep the trunk from rolling away, use wedges to keep it in place. At this point, ensure you don’t cut into the ground during the process.

Best Practices for Split Wood

Place a chain on the marked points, which should be roughly three-quarters through the trunk you are working with. Make sure that you do this in every marked section of the trunk. If you need to cut on the other side, make sure to use a felling lever.

Split all of these into sections, so it is vital that you take your time. As mentioned above, you need a gas-powered chainsaw with a powerful engine. Always go slow. You may need to refuel a couple of times when doing the splitting process.

Chainsaw Vs. Ax When Splitting Wood

As you may see in the movies or your friendly neighbor, they might be using an ax instead of a chainsaw to split wood. Both tools have their use. When it comes to using an ax, it is a slower process and more suited for occasionally splitting small trees, clearing branches, or chopping firewood.

A chainsaw does the job much faster and can cut any type of tree compared to the ax. You can also cut a long wood into pieces or clear thick branches. Now, the chainsaw is much heavier than an ax. Also, you need to use gas or electricity when it comes to chainsaws.

Aside from that, chainsaws are much more expensive compared to ax, and they will need more maintenance to ensure that they will last for years. You can get an ax for less than $50, which everyone can afford.

If you are on a budget, it is best to go with the ax option. Not only is it affordable, but it is also environment-friendly since it only uses human power compared to a chainsaw, where you would need gas or electricity.

If you are the type of person who is environmentally conscious, going with the ax is your best bet. Now, you can also choose to use a chainsaw and still save energy. There is an electric chainsaw that uses power from solar panels. However, it might cost you an arm and a leg to purchase.

But, hey, if you are working with plenty of wood and you split wood often, then it’s definitely worth the investment.

Operating a Chainsaw Safely: Important Things to Know

Most of the time, chainsaws are used for felling trees and cutting big pieces of wood. You can find two filler caps on the chainsaw near the throttle handle. These caps are labeled, and most of the time, the larger cap will be pouring in the fuel.

On the other hand, the smaller cap will be for the bar lubricant. It is crucial that you must fill the lube tank of your chainsaw daily, primarily when you use it often. Also, it is best practice to check these caps regularly to make sure they are tightly fixed while you are in the cutting process.

If your chainsaw has a primer bulb to fix the carburetor, it would be best to pump the primer bulb about three or four times before starting your splitting project. If your chainsaw has a choke lever installed, it is best to place it in the choke position.

Doing this will make the carburetor suck all the fuel into the combustion chamber way quicker. When doing this, engage the chain brake and switch your chainsaw to the ‘on’ position.

The latest models usually have either a toggle, plunger, or rocker-type switch installed. These features typically vary on the manufacturer of your chainsaw.

It is best to pull the starter rope of the chainsaw sharply so that your engine starts. The engine ‘fires’ the chainsaw, but it doesn’t mean it’s already started. Most of the time, when your chainsaw is well-tuned, it will just take about four to five pulls to get it running.

Let’s say your chainsaw is running at idle speed, and the blade shouldn’t be turned on or engaged. If you want to have a practice piece of wood, you must bring the blade of the chainsaw in line with the cut you are about to make.

Once that’s done, disengage the chain brake and squeeze the throttle fully. Lastly, lay the blade against the log or limb you are working with. Remember never to force the blade of your chainsaw.

The chainsaw draws into the cut of the log with just its weight or by applying moderate pressure. Make sure to keep your chainsaw running at full throttle throughout the splitting process. The only time you would ease the throttle off is when you are about to exit the cut on the other side of the wood.

Keeping these things in mind will ensure that you are safe throughout the splitting process. You need to ensure that your chainsaw is always in its best shape to ensure that the cutting and splitting process is efficient and easy.

Final Thoughts

A chainsaw is one of the tools you can have handy when it comes to splitting or cutting wood. If you are working with big trunks and a massive amount of wood, the chainsaw is the best tool to ensure that the job is done correctly and quickly. As long as you keep in mind the proper way of cutting and ensure you have your safety gears on before starting the process.