How to Cut Wooden Worktop for Belfast Sink?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: September 22, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Wooden worktops are the perfect platform for Belfast sinks. Undoubtedly, they provide support and extra room and improve the appearance of your kitchen. In addition, the worktop provides a cover for your cupboards. However, make a wooden worktop if you newly purchased a Belfast sink.

Although you can purchase them online, you would need to know the exact measurements of your sink. On the other hand, there are a few steps to take if you wish to construct one yourself.

Here are the steps to cut a wooden worktop for the Belfast sink.

  1. Place Your Oak on the Workbench.
  2. Measure the Recess Length of the Sink And Mark the Dimension Across the Worktop
  3. Use the Jig to Measure the Recess Width.
  4. Use the Datum Block to Get the Precise Recess Line
  5. Clamp the Jig in Place to Ensure that It Is Firm
  6. Cut Through the Wooden Worktop
  7. Remove the Jig, Place It on the Other Edge And Cut It
  8. File the Edges to Smoothen Them
  9. Use a jig to Cut a Drip Channel
  10. Clean And Polish the Worktop

10 Steps to Cutting a Wooden Worktop for Belfast Sink

Belfast sinks are a unique brand that homeowners with large families prefer. Its spacious and deep interior provides room for cleaning large pots and pans. Now, the worktop better completes the finishing and allows the sink to sit well.

However, there are also worktops from other materials like metal, quartz, glass, etc. But in this article, we will discover how to construct a wooden worktop.

Now, you need certain tools for making a wooden worktop. For example, you need a jig, sandpaper, pegs, clamp, electric saw machine, and Tungsten carbide round nose cutter. These tools are essential to the success of the procedure.

Finally, here are the ten steps to cutting a wooden worktop for a Belfast sink.

1. Place Your Oak on the Workbench

Before you begin, you must clear your workspace to create room. Next, you have to place your worktop on the workbench. This is the platform that your worktop rests on, and you can cut through. It also gives the clamp something to hold unto while you mark and cut the wood.

Generally, it is the best platform for doing any carpentry-related work.

2. Measure the Recess Length of the Sink And Mark the Dimension Across the Worktop

Next, measure the sink’s length so that you can mark the worktop to get a precise cut. After the measurement, mark it with a pencil to outline the path to follow. The pencil mark is preferable to chalk because it is more precise.

Then, please measure the width of the sink and mark it across the worktop to give two parallel lines.

3. Use the Jig to Measure the Recess Width

The Belfast jig is a tool that helps you to get a precise route for Belfast sinks. It comes in various sizes according to your requirements. In addition, the jig has markings that connote measurements in millimeters.

Now, place the jig on the worktop in line with the sink’s measurement. This helps you to get that neat cut at the end.

4. Use the Datum Block to Get the Precise Recess Line

Next, take two pegs, fit them into the jigs lines, and push until it is at the edge. However, ensure that you are still in line with the markings. Furthermore, use the datum block on the jig and align it with the marking.

This block has a line you must follow when you want to cut through.

5. Clamp the Jig in Place to Ensure that It Is Firm

Afterward, get the clamp and place it on the jig. Screw it in place, so it is firm and does not move about while you work. Undoubtedly, sawing through the worktop will cause it to move because of the force.

However, the worktop will stay put through the process when you clamp it.

6. Cut Through the Wooden Worktop

Once the worktop is firm and secure, use the electric saw and cut through one edge of the worktop. Ensure that you follow the line in the jig and the datum block. You would not miss the mark if you followed these steps.

7. Remove the Jig, Place It on the Other Edge And Cut It

When you finish with one edge, place the jig on the other edge and clamp it. Once it is secure, cut through the worktop. This will detach the worktop you must work with from the residue.

Now, you should place the residue aside while finishing the worktop.

8. File the Edges to Smoothen Them

Another thing to do is to use sandpaper and file the edge of the worktop. This gives it a smooth finish and adds beauty to it. Ensure to file all edges of the worktop and that it is even.

A rough edge will result in an unpleasant worktop.

9. Use a jig to Cut a Drip Channel

Next, use a jig to cut a drip channel. The drip channel is unique to the Belfast sink, and it is necessary to create one. It is a thin line along the edges of the worktop. Again, you need the Tungsten carbide round nose cutter to create the drip channel.

Let the guide bush aid you in achieving a seamless finish. Once you take this step, you are through with the cutting and the worktop.

10. Clean And Polish the Worktop

Finally, clean the sawdust from the worktop and polish it. At last, it is ready to install. You can mount the worktop around the Belfast sink and pride yourself on a great job.

However, you must not clean the top with water. This is because the worktop does not accept moisture. Use some vinegar instead; it works fine with wooden surfaces.


Cutting a wooden worktop for a Belfast sink is relatively easy. As long as you have the right tools, you are safe. However, you must ensure to keep a steady hand. The jig Belfast sink jig plays a major role in cutting a wooden worktop. Consequently, it must be the first tool to remember for the procedure.

Finally, I hope you found this information helpful! I also hope you have been able to cut your wooden worktop for a Belfast sink!