Can You Cut Wood With a Metal Cutting Blade?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: May 20, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

There are different ways how you would cut wood and there are different tools that you can use to get the job done right. It can be daunting and challenging to know which one is right to use. You don’t want to find yourself breaking tools because you are not using them for the right purpose. There are plenty of people who may ask themselves, ‘can you cut wood with a metal cutting blade?’

Yes, you can cut wood with a metal cutting blade. However, it is not ideal and plenty of professionals usually advise using a metal cutting blade on wood. It takes a big understanding of how to use a metal cutting blade on wood to ensure that you are not breaking your tool.

Knowing the answer to this question is important especially when you plan to have woodworking projects as a hobby or as a project. In this article, I will talk about cutting wood with a metal cutting blade and what is the best blade that you should use. Lastly, I will talk about the different factors that you should look for when it comes to choosing your blade.

Cutting Wood Using a Metal Cutting Blade

As mentioned above, you can use a metal cutting blade in cutting wood but it is not advisable. You must have a good understanding of the tool so that you can get the job done right. Now, there are also significant dangers that come with using a metal cutting blade on wood.

When you cut a flammable material like wood with a metal cutting blade, it may lead to a huge disaster. Of course, it can lead to a fire and might also be another potential hazard that is associated with it.

Due to the density of the material, you will get more resistance if you are using a high-speed power tool with a metal cutting blade. A piece of metal like the cutting blade will have this resistance when cutting metal and concrete. When it comes to the wood it would be another case.

When utilizing a metal cutting blade on lightweight material, a small change in posture will lead you to bend your wrist. It can cause the tool to shift dramatically in another direction. If this happens, the response time that you may have may not be enough to reverse the virtually immediate change. You will then find yourself out of control with your tool.

Best Blade to Cut Wood: The Only Blade You Need

Diablo Framing Blade: The Best Framing Blade

When it comes to an all-purpose blade, the Diablo Framing Blade is the best choice for you. You can use this blade for about 75 percent of the projects that you do. It can get framing lumber, plywood, and sheathing material is done without any trouble.

It can cut thin kerfs quickly and with less stress on the tool that you are using. Since it has a non-stick finish, it can also reduce the pitch buildup and corrosion that you can get when it comes to cutting wood. With this feature, it makes it a very durable option as well.

You can get this blade on Amazon.

DeWalt Precision Finishing Saw Blade: Best for Hardwood

If you need to cut hardwood, the DeWalt Precision Finishing Saw Blade is the best option for you. It can cut through hardwood veneer plywood since it has a high tooth count and less aggressive tooth angle it will leave you with a cleaner cut.

It features ribbed heat vents cut into the blade ensuring that it won’t heat up while you cut the wood material and it also increases its durability. If you are looking for a blade that can cut clean through wood, this is the best choice for you.

You can purchase this blade on Amazon.

What to Look for When Choosing the Right Blade for Cutting Wood

There are different factors that you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right blade for cutting wood. The very first thing that you need to consider is the blade type. It’s the first thing that you need to consider whether you are cutting wood or other material. Remember that you shouldn’t use a masonry blade to cut wood.

The size of the blade is another important factor to consider. It should be compatible with the tool that you are using. Most of the handheld saw tools use 7-¼ inches blade. Any blade that is bigger than that will be the best for a miter or table saw.

The number of teeth will also indicate the type of cut that’s best for the material you are using. Blades with fewer teeth mean they can cut faster and will cost less. Blades with a higher number of teeth are ideal for making rip cuts on wood.

The tooth angle will also affect the cuts you will make on wood. The teeth will lean forward which means it is on positive-angle teeth. It will also cut aggressively and it would be better if you want cleaner crosscuts.

Choose a blade that is non-stick or has a protective finish when you can afford it. The coating will help reduce the buildup of the pitch. The natural residue from the wood can create unnecessary friction on the blade that you use. The friction will lead to overheating and can break down faster.

Lastly, you should consider sharpening which will cost more than buying a new blade. When a blade becomes dull, it is best that you buy a new one instead. You can recycle these blades in the recycling center or at a scrap metal dealer.

Final Thoughts

Now, it is not ideal for you to use a metal cutting blade when cutting wood. It can lead to dangerous situations like fire due to the friction you will get during the cutting process. When there’s friction it can lead to fire, especially with wood contact. Aside from that, you can easily lose control when handling your tool during the cutting process and you will have a hard time recovering the control that you once had.