Can You Cut Wet Wood With a Chainsaw?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: October 11, 2022
  • Time to read: 7 min.

We can all agree that a chainsaw is a handy piece of equipment that can help you with any garden maintenance you need to get done. It can come in handy from pruning trees to sawing large wooden plans. For someone who has a chainsaw in their tool belt might as themselves, ‘can you cut wet wood with a chainsaw?’

Yes, you can definitely cut wet wood with a chainsaw. The moisture serves as a lubricant to the surface which makes cutting easy. Now, the only problem with cutting wet wood with a chainsaw is the sawdust will stick to the chain and it can accumulate over time.

If you are planning to cut wet wood with your chainsaw during the winter season, you can definitely get this done. In this article, I will talk about cutting wet wood and what will be the outcome of cutting wet wood with a chainsaw. I will also discuss how you should properly clean the chainsaw and the proper chain that you should use. Lastly, I will also discuss the difference between cutting wet and dry wood.

Cutting Wet Wood: Will It Cause Damage to Your Chainsaw?

For you to determine how hard the wood will be, you would need to know its age and density. It’s not really a major factor whether the wood is wet or dry. Technically, damped wood can make cutting much smoother as I’ve mentioned above.

The moisture does help with the cutting but you also would need a quality chainsaw as well as the wood age to ensure the cutting process is easy. When you have a good blade, then you won’t need additional effort to cut the wood.

Now, during the cutting process, the debris and sawdust will stick to the blade of your chainsaw if the wood is wet. Don’t get me wrong, the dust build-up won’t stop the chain, but it will slow things down when there’s too much stuck to it.

You would need to stop the cutting process once in a while to clean off the blade. This would lead to lengthening the cutting process instead of saving time.

Best to Avoid Wet Wood

Yes, you can cut wet wood but it is best to avoid it. It can reduce the life of your chainsaw’s teeth. The teeth are designed to cut wood fibers but not tear them. If a chainsaw is used on wet or green wood, you will be cutting the fibers and it will result in tearing them apart.

The result of this will leave a mushrooming effect at the tip of the tooth which will tear off a large chunk of wood and you will end up with a rough finish on your wood material. Aside from lessening the life of your chainsaw, cutting wet wood can also be dangerous to you.

Cleaning Your Chainsaw When Cutting Wet Wood

When you have a water leakage, it will not only give you fatigue but will lead to the malfunctioning of the control you have on your chainsaw. When cutting wet wood, you should always have a dry cloth in your pocket in handy.

You can use the dry cloth to wipe and dry the brakes of the chain repeatedly throughout the entire cutting process. One of the most important safety features of a chainsaw is the brakes. Having said this, you should be careful about how you maintain it to be clean.

If you keep the brakes dry from the moisture they will not cling to the links of your chain. Keeping the chains dry is also crucial so that the brakes and chain will not rust over time. When you have a wet chain and brakes it will increase the chance of slipping while you use the chainsaw, which is pretty dangerous.

Make sure that you always keep the sprocket cover dry and clean at all times. When water or snow gets into this, the oil and the sawdust will start to freeze. It will lead to the malfunctioning of your chainsaw which you don’t want to happen.

Keep your fuel tank sealed tight and properly so that the water will not get into the tool at any cost. Wipe off and dry the clutch bearings of the chainsaw every time you use it. The air filter should also be dry and clean so that the tool will not overheat.

The pleated filter or plated filter should be fully dry or else the dust will expand inside the tool when damp air gets into it. It will eventually choke your chainsaw which is not something that you want to happen.

If you find any excessive moisture of snow, raindrops, or dewdrops on the throttle trigger and the interlock of the throttle trigger, make sure that you wipe it dry. This way you can get the best performance from your chainsaw.

When you are wearing heavyweight and water-retardant clothing make sure that it doesn’t get sucked up against the air intake of the chainsaw. If the cooling air intake unit can block the airflow inside the tool it can lead to engine failure, which can lead to the tool being beyond repair.

You should also keep the risk-reducing features of the chainsaw dry and clean. Be sure to never allow snow to build up on the handles of the chainsaw. Doing this will keep your hands from slipping off the tool.

Remove all the heavy loads of snow from the hanging branches before you start cutting the wood. Be sure to do this on the trunk of the tree that you plan to cut as well. The falling snow will distract your attention and it can cause the balance while you do the cutting process.

The Proper Chain to Use for Cutting Wet Wood

In most modern and high-quality types of chainsaws, a standard chain can get the job done when you are working with wet wood. You don’t need to rush out and purchase a special wood chain to cut wet wood.

Know that wet wood is a dense species, so a micro chisel chain can be more effective than using the regular chain that you have on your tool. You should tackle wet wood like it is dry when you are cutting it.

The main thing that you should take into consideration when it comes to wet wood is its age and its density. When you have a dense wood tree, rest assured you have one that is in its prime life. It will be laborious to cut wet wood as you would cut a dry one.

Always ensure that your chainsaw is well-lubricated before you start the cutting process. Use a mineral chain oil when you are working with wet wood. The additional moisture on the wood will act as your natural lubricant so when you have a well-oiled chain it can resist rust and corrosion over time.

As long as you know how to properly clean the chain and when to clean it, you should be able to get the job done and it will last for years.

Know the Difference Between Cutting Wet Wood and Dry Wood

Now, this topic can be an eye-opener to some people. However, wet wood is actually way easier to cut than dry wood. Dry wood lacks moisture content and more friction will be created as the chain of the chainsaw comes in contact with the wood fibers.

The friction that it creates will lead to slowing down the chain during the cutting process. Having said this, it will make the cutting process time longer than cutting wet wood.

On the other hand, wet wood has enough moisture that can act as a natural lubricant. With this, it will stop the chainsaw chain from catching any excessively dry knots. When you have dry wood that is wet on the outside will be way easier to cut through than dry wood that is dried all throughout.

Having said all this, the main thing that you should keep in mind is the wood density and age of the wood that would really count. Dense wood would need you to have more cutting power in order for you to get through the wood.

Be sure that you get a reasonably young tree compared to one that is old and diseased. It will make the cutting process much easier and smoother.

Final Thoughts

Cutting wet wood with a chainsaw is possible but for those who do not have time to clean their tool daily, then it won’t be the best idea. Making sure that the chainsaw is always cleaned before and during use is important when it comes to cutting wet wood with a chainsaw. When it comes to choosing what is easier to cut, it would be wet wood since it has more moisture than dry wood. Moisture on the wood will act as a natural lubricant during the cutting process. So, if you do plan to cut wet wood, you have to ensure that you clean the tool daily and while you use the tool.