Can You Cut PVC Pipe With a Jigsaw?

  • Author: Sourav Biswas
  • Published: September 22, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Whatever type of material you want to cut, one of the most important things to consider is the kind of cutting tool that will be used for the task. For example, metals have the best types of saw that work with them while woods also have the best. But what about a material like a PVC pipe that is entirely different from the previous two? Can you use a Jigsaw to cut it?

You can use a jigsaw to cut thick plastic like the PVC pipe. Of course, you need to know exactly how to do this.

The way you can cut your PVC pipe with a jigsaw will be discussed while we will look at safety considerations you have to keep in mind when using the jigsaw.

We’ll look at how you can use a Jigsaw to cut your PVC pipe and also discuss other tools you can use for the task. Finally, we’ll discuss other uses of a jigsaw.

Cutting PVC Pipe With Jigsaw

First, what is a jigsaw? A jigsaw uses a reciprocating saw blade powered by an electric motor to cut whatever material you want it to. You can use a jigsaw to cut PVC pipe of any size and shape, provided that you know how to use it.

PVC pipes are made of thick plastics that you can’t cut the way you would cut flimsier plastics. For this reason, a jigsaw is ideal for cutting them. Although there are other types of cutting tools that would be deemed more suited for the job, a jigsaw would also do the job perfectly.

How To Cut PVC Pipes With A Jigsaw

Knowing that you can cut your PVC pipe with a jigsaw is but the first step. Knowing how to properly use the tool for the purpose is another thing you have to keep in mind. To cut PVC pipe with a jigsaw, follow the steps below:

Get the surface ready:

The first thing to do before you start cutting is to clear the work table. Get rid of any foreign objects that might interfere with your cutting. 

Measure and mark the PVC:

The next step is to use a metal rule or any other measuring tool to measure out the part you want to cut off the PVC. Mark the pipe on one side and use a string or tape to ensure that the mark is straight around the pipe.

Apply lubrication:

A lubricant will always do wonders for you when you are cutting. Although they aren’t considered strictly necessary, applying one will make your cutting easier and neater.

Fasten the pipe:

Afterwards, secure the pipe in place on the work table. Do not tighten it too much so that the pipe won’t break. To get the best result, clamp the PVC so that the edge to be cut off comes just off the work table.


Start the cut from the top of the PVC closest to you. After going a third of the way, unfasten the PVC from the clamp and turn it to cut the other side. This is to ensure that the cut doesn’t come out rough.

Finish the end:

After you have cut off the piece you want to cut, use a sanding tool like sanding paper to smoothen the end of the pipe. Of course, this is not entirely necessary but it is a great idea to always keep your pipe neat.

With all these in mind, you can cut your PVC pipe with a jigsaw without any problems. However, there are still safety precautions you should keep in mind at all times.

Safety Considerations In Using A Jigsaw

There are some safety precautions you have to take when using a jigsaw to cut a material like PVC pipe. These are:

Always clamp the pipe:

This is an important point to note because some people use the alternative of holding the pipe while cutting it. However, this is very dangerous as the saw can slip easily and lead to serious injuries. Use a proper clamp on a work table to hold the pipe down before starting any cut.

Wear protective covering:

Although cutting PVC pipe is not as dangerous as cutting metals, the fragments can still cause harm if they fly into sensitive parts of the body. This is especially so with thick PVC pipes. The most important part of the body to be protected from these fragments is the eyes and you should use safety glasses or goggles for the purpose. Also, prevent these fragments from getting into your mouth and lungs by using facial masks or respirators.

Other Tools You Can Use To Cut PVC Pipe

Asides from the jigsaw, there are other tools you can use to cut a PVC pipe. It is crucial to know this so you can always have alternatives when one or the other tool isn’t available. These tools are:

Scissors-style pipe cutters:

The pipe cutters are similar in look to big scissors. They are ideal for cutting small PVC pipes as it is nigh to impossible to use them to cut larger pipes.

Power miter saw:

These are ideal for cutting multiple pipes. If you have a lot of PVC pipes to cut and you have a power miter saw, perfect! They are mechanically powered so you won’t go through much stress and the task will be done in a jiffy.


These are also quite useful for cutting small pieces of PVC. However, there is a slight disadvantage that the final result might come out rough if you don’t know how to properly use it.


You can use a jigsaw to cut your PVC pipe without any problems. Although a hacksaw, handsaw, or power miter saw might be ideal depending on the size of the pipe, a jigsaw will do the same task without any problems. Of course, you have to keep safety precautions in mind to do the cutting safely. If you know everything about how you are supposed to use the jigsaw to cut a PVC pipe, you will run into no issues.